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【lelouch庆生活动】[朱修/鲁鲁生贺] 妹控攻略指南


又名:How to Win a Man's Heart Obsessed with his Sister

1楼2017-12-06 02:15回复

    2楼2017-12-06 02:16
      August 15, 2017, 7:31 AM
      From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
      To: Suzaku Kururugi [catlover@gxxxl.cxx]
      Re: From a Gentleman to his Best Friend, Confessing Love
      Dear Suzaku Kururugi,
        It is with something more than reluctance that I am about to write what I feel to be a duty to you and to myself.
        I do not know that I have ever consciously given you any misleading encouragement; and I am therefore hoping that, on receipt of this expression of my sentiments towards you, your gentlemanly instincts will prompt you to desist from what I can not but consider an attempt to fracture our friendship.
          Yours, truly
          Lelouch Lamperouge.

      4楼2017-12-06 02:19
        August 24, 2017, 6:55 PM
        From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat-on-the-lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
        To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
        Re: From a Friend Pleading for Forgiveness after a Disturbing Letter
        Dear Suzaku,
          Your penitent letter reached me at a moment life seemed very dreary suffering from losing a best friend, along with the regret of having quenched your zeal so much harshly.
          I knew full well the reason of your pushy behaviour, which, after all, was in itself direct evidence of the feelings you have for me. Though I sometimes wish you would try to understand my sex better – and myself in particular.
          Now, you can come to see me as you previously did; but do not mention a word of this distressing past. Just be your old, friendly and attentive self again to
            Yours fraternally,

        5楼2017-12-06 02:20
          September 12, 2017 11:28 AM
          From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
          To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
          Re: Inviting a Friend to a Visit to Writer's own House
          Dear Suzaku,
            Your kind invitation is quite tempting. I shall be so very pleased to come with you. However, Nunnally has not been very well lately, and Sayako has been away, staying with her friends in Kyoto, and we expect her back the beginning of next week.
            I hope you can have a pleasant time with other friends of yours there then.
              Yours sincerely,

          6楼2017-12-06 02:21
            September 21, 2017 4:59 PM
            From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
            To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
            Re: Inviting for a Country-House Visit, to Help Nunnally Regain Heath
            Dear Suzaku,
              Thank you so much for sharing yourself to come and help Nunnally and me every day last week. She asked me to kindly carry her sincere gratitude to you.
              I am sure a visit down to the tranquil countryside would be very good for Nunnally's recovery, and for both of us.
              Looking forward to seeing you this upcoming Saturday.
                Yours in anticipation of jolly time,
                Lelouch & Nunnally.

            7楼2017-12-06 02:21
              September 28, 2017, 9:30 PM
              From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
              To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
              Re: Inviting for a Visit to Seaside from a Friend
              Dear Suzaku,
                It is very kind of you for this offer to us. Nunnally is back on her feet and longing for some activities outside. It will give me so much pleasure if she can enjoy a whiff of fresh sea air over there.
                So I want to know if you can arrange to come and pay us a little visit sometime this week. I will be very happy, which is, of course, quite secondary to Nunnally's happiness, to have you among us to discuss details of the seaside tour.
                  Your affectionate friend,

              8楼2017-12-06 02:23
                October 14, 2017, 8:25 PM
                From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
                To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
                Re: Invitation to Join a Motor Tour
                Dear Suzaku,
                  It seems such long ages since I have seen anything of you. How good of you ask me to join you. I have been thinking of having a good old cosy chat with you all recently. Tell me what wraps I shall want, and about how long do you propose to be on tour. I hope you mean to include Beddgelert and Porthdinllaen in your route as there are such heaps of lovely places, but I suppose that you must already have your own plans. Wherever you take me, I shall be quite happy as I have only joined motor tour once before with Rivalz. It is lovely to be able to look forward to a pleasant time with you again.
                  Suppose I will be available next Wednesday, will that quite suit you? Send the answer I so earnestly desire to
                    Yours very affectionately,

                9楼2017-12-06 02:23
                  October 22, 2017, 10:03 PM
                  From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
                  To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
                  Re: Invitation to a Dinner
                  Dear Suzaku,
                    I will be more than delighted to come with you on Friday, the 24th, to dine and spend the evening together. Nunnally, however, regrets exceedingly that she must deny herself the pleasure of accepting your kind invitation, as she has an appointment with her mysterious old chum – whom I totally have no idea of. Someone has approached Nunnally without drawing my faintest attention.I now have been firmly warned of this serious condition. Please do let me know the first time when someone is added to your list of suspects.
                    Tell me when you will arrive at mine on Friday so I can arrange myself properly ahead of time. With love,
                      Yours very delightedly,

                  10楼2017-12-06 02:24
                    November 3, 2017, 10:03 PM
                    From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
                    To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
                    Re: From a Friend Pleading for 'More Than Just Friends'
                    Dear Suzaku,
                      I find it difficult to express all the varied emotions your letter has evoked in me since that night weeks ago.
                      I do not regret having hurt you when you first confessed to me, because I Decided that would be best for us both. You see, it is second nature for you to be gracious and kind to all men and women, quite unconsciously, which deprived me of the courage to think that I am the Only one special to you, even after that disgraceful night with an unexpected intimate behaviour between two proposed 'friends'.
                      But, if I have to be perfectly frank with you and myself, circumstances have lately revealed to me the true feeling I have for you – and I am very unsure it is merely friendship that I struggled to convince myself of.
                      Please allow us both some time before we meet again. And kindly refrain from sending me emails so that I can concentrate on a close communion with myself.
                        Yours ever as ever,

                    11楼2017-12-06 02:25
                      November 19, 2017 10:03 PM
                      From: Lelouch Lamperouge [cat_on_the_lawn@oxxxxxk.cxx]
                      To: Suzaku Kururugi (2) [scarletbird710@gxxxl.cxx]
                      Re: From an Absent Gentleman very much in Missing his Best Friend
                        Your latest letter suggested me that the thought of you has been so constantly with me that I find it difficult to deny my true feelings.
                        When I reflect on the happy time we have already passed together; when I recall your many acts of childish but unselfish kindness to me; and your patience and forbearance when I deliberately distanced you with a hope for letting your passion fizzle into oblivion. I feel compelled to reveal to you my innermost thoughts as I write.
                        Although I still have difficulty in appreciating your indiscriminate chivalrous respect for others especially the opposite sex, it is unfair to contempt for a quality of kindness just because of – if I can find another term that shames me less – a jealous heart vulnerable to a sense of insecurity.
                        I know that moving forward from friendship into a closer intimacy demands the exercise of many qualities that so far only you have engaged in. I, hereby, ask you to trust me, Suzaku. It will be my constant endeavour to make myself more than a candid friend to you. I will seek to be also a helpful, cheerful companion of you, whatever our relationship is and will be defined as.
                        Come back to me, as soon as possible, for there is so much I would say to you that I feel I cannot write.
                          Yours, for ever,

                      12楼2017-12-06 02:25
                        December 5, 2017, 9:30 PM
                        From: Nunnally Lamperouge [nunnally_in_wonderland@oxxxxxk.cxx]
                        To: Suzaku Kururugi [catlover@gxxxl.cxx]
                        Re: From the Happiest Man to Friend, Announcing Engagement
                        Dear Suzaku,
                          Your very welcome note, announcing your and my beloved brother's engagement, came safely to hand this afternoon. Hearty congratulations, Suzaku!
                          I believe there is no need for you to apologise for using me as an excuse to break the ice. As I have been keeping a close eye on you and my brother for the past eight years, I naturally look at your feelings towards each other through a more matter-of-fact pair of spectacles than your own. You two are destined to be with each other, regardless of whatever happens and whoever intervenes.
                          Never have I witnessed such rapid mood swings of my brother who seems indifferent to anyone else. Even for me, to whom Lelouch never begrudges his love, it is difficult to refrain from envying you for sharing the one who used to commit himself entirely to me.
                          But I feel so sure that I will, of course, gain more pleasure of seeing you and my brother live happily ever after, for you are the only one I know I can entrust my most important person on.
                          Then, Suzaku, it will be well for you if you can always recall the glamour of today – the day you celebrated Lelouch's eighteenth birthday by putting a ring with your name on his finger.
                          Do let your love be a 'haven of rest' for brother Lelouch. And with my own keen anticipation of your marriage at the very earliest opportunity and much love,
                            Believe me,
                            Your future sister-in-law,

                        13楼2017-12-06 02:26

                          14楼2017-12-06 02:26