接下来是文字 蓝字部分:图上的三个圈 三个圈里的内容都是一样的,只不过长短不同。 原文: Palewhite and black with false citrine, imperfect white and red. The peacock s feather in bright colours, the rainbow in (内圈终止) the sky above. The spotted panther, the green lion, crow*s beak blue as lead. These shallappear (中圈终止) before you in perfect white. (大圈终止) 渣翻译: 淡白和黑色的假水晶,不完全的红白两色。孔雀的羽毛鲜艳明亮,像出现在天空之上的彩虹。布满斑点的豹子,绿色的狮子,乌鸦铅蓝色的喙——这些将在你变为纯白之前出现。
橙色: Andafter these shall appear the substance ↑↑↑物质将会在这一切之后出现↑↑↑ 但是……完整的句子是这样的: Andafter these shall appear the substance invariable. Then you shall… ↑↑↑…物质本身不变,那时你将……↑↑↑↑
完整的段落: Palewhite and black with false citrine imperfect white and red. The peacock *s feather in bright colours, the rainbow in thesky above. The spotted panther, thegreen lion the crow’s beak blue as lead. These shall appear before you in perfect white, with many others. After the perfect white follows the grey and false citrine also. And after theseshall appear the substance invariable, Then you shall.... ↑↑↑↑这段话摘抄于《Ripley*s Recapitulationof the Twelve Gates》第八小节。句子和单词的顺序被修改过,但意义是一样的↑↑↑↑